Owner’s Payment Books

fyi noteMarch 1, 2016

Dear Caribe Owner,

On February 20, 2016 the annual Caribe Owners Association meeting was held.
During that meeting a quorum was met and business was able to be conducted. Several items were approved as per the agenda. The resolution to amend the condo docs to restrict glass and ceramic table tops was approved. We understand the time needed to change these out, but we ask this be done at your earliest convenience.

Secondly, the 2016 budget was approved which also included a dues increase for all units. This dues increase averaged $100.00 per month per unit. Please note that all units both residential and commercial are charged based on interior square footage. This, of course, means smaller square foot units will see an increase of under $100.00 and larger units will see an increase over $100.00 per month.

Included with this letter is the new payment book. We realize these changes happened at the end of the February making difficult to notify those who were not in attendance.

If you have any questions, please call Angela Dilling in Accounting at 251.980.9057.

Thank you,
Stan Szapiel, General Manager